Journal of Social and Economics Research (JSER) with registration numbers ISSN 2715-6117 (print) and ISSN 2715-6966 (Online) is an open access journal published by the Writing Lecturer Association (IDM), in collaboration with GoAcademica CRP, Bandung, Indonesia . Articles published in JSER include articles on primary research results as well as literature reviews in the social-humanities, and economics fields that are generally applicable in the academic world in related fields in Indonesia. Contributions and fields of study in this journal are very broad, including all fields of science that intersect with the fields of management economics, accounting, development studies, law, language and literature, culture, sociology, anthropology, politics, management and public administration, communication science and government, psychology, as well as very macro fields such as tourism, and entrepreneurship. Thus, this journal can contribute now and in the future to its three main fields, namely socio-humanities and economics, both nationally and internationally.
All articles published in JSER go through the stages of the scientific process of a journal, namely by being reviewed first by the Reviewer Board. JSER is published twice a year, in June and December. For smooth publication, please read the writing guidelines before submitting an article. Every article submitted goes through a template screening and plagiarism testing process, as well as peer review by a team of reviewers. Journal of Research Social and Economics (JSER) which has been published continuously since 2019, and has been indexed by GARUDA, Google Scholar and Moraref
The first Journal of Social and Economics Research was recorded and online in 2019 with management in collaboration with GoAcademica Consulting, Research & Publishing (Since 2022).
Journal of Social and Economics Research (JSER) is accredited nationally by SINTA with a ranking of 6, starting from Vol. 2 No. 2 in 2020 to Vol. 7 No. 1 in 2025, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Number: 0187/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023, Date: 12 March 2023, Subject: Notification of Accreditation Results for Scientific Journals Period II in 2022. It is stated that the Journal of Social and Economics Research (JSER) has been nationally accredited by SINTA with a ranking of 6, starting from Vol. 2 No. 2 in 2020 to Vol. 7 No. 1 in 2025.
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